Thursday, 19 March 2009

Signature making

I've been having a play in a programme called paint.NET and managed with the help of my OH to make a signature for my blog. It automatically signs each and every post for me. What do you think?


Autumn Rose Crafts said...

Looks great, Thanks for the tip, must have a go at that :) Sarah

Melanie Marshall said...

Gorgeous Rusty :) I am loving the new blog look loads! I am glad you're really happy right now and long may it continue xx

P.S I think your daughter learnt to drink like that from you x

Highland Handmade said...

Thanks Sarah. :)

Mel you cheeky mare! lol I don't drink!!! .... happy?? whats that?? Love ya loads Mel xx

cazsmum said...

You've really got the hang of this blogging lark! Thanks for the tip, I'll try to have a play with that later. I love your title as well. Marie x