Friday, 28 August 2009

Lots of lovely suprises!

Well I have had an absolutely manic week with my little princess being very poorly with HFM disease!! she is on the mend now thank god, and we always have our little prince home from his holidays in Bulgaria!
I recieved a lovely card and wallet from the beautiful Rainmac, this was a *pressie to cheer me up* and to let me know she was thinking of me when I was supposed to be having an MRI scan on Monday (problems led to me going to the hospital but not having it done!!)

The one (yes one!) of my swap partners sent me a lovely trifold card. She also sent me some lovely papers and some cards. Thankyou Mrs Tidge

Then my other (yes I had more!!) lovely swap partner sent me this lovely card! Thankyou craftygranny.

Then this beautiful little card came from craftygranny and Kaityln for Maddison as a Get Well Soon card - How cute! Thankyou ladies!


Sarah said...

Whooo hooo what gorgeous things you've had dropping through your letterbox this week xxx

craftygranny said...

ooh how strange mrs tidge and i chose the same style of card. You have had lots of lovely goodies.

Sparkly-Fabtastic said...

Gosh - you are a lucky girly!! Those tri-fold cards are fabbo!!! Must get on with mine!! xx