Monday, 17 May 2010

Stitchy Bear!! Give the lady a smile!!

I can't do all of this fandangled technology with blinkies and other stuff since OH made over my blog, so thought I would pop it in here!

Here is what was said .....

Ladies, please if you like, grab our badge from the sidebar...and because it's been such a rough week and I feel like something good has GOT to come out of this...please email me with your choice of one of my stamps, just for kicks and grins ;))) lol
Make sure it says "StitchyStamps" on the preview and email me at and I will rush you off your free digi of choice...

So lets give her a lift!! I'm in, who will join me?

1 comment:

Jennie - The Crafty Wife said...

Oh yes! have to do this!